This program is in object oriented approach focus on to make it easy to understand if you have any query you can comment below.
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; char tmp_map[18][32]; char map[18][32] = { "+#############################+", "| |", "| |", "|## ########### ## #########|", "| | |", "| | |### | | | |", "| | | | |### | | | |", "| | #####| | | ## | |", "| | |### | | |", "| |##### ### ## |", "| ###### ####### ###|", "| |", "|# ### #### ### #######|", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "+#############################+" }; void ShowMap() { for(int i = 0; i < 18; i++) { printf("%s\n",map[i]) ; } } void gotoxy( short x, short y ) { HANDLE hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) ; COORD position = { x, y } ; SetConsoleCursorPosition( hStdout, position ) ; } class entity { public: entity( int x, int y ) { this ->x = x; this ->y = y; } void move_x( int p ) { if( map[y][x+p] == ' ' ) x += p; } void move_y( int p ) { if( map[y+p][x] == ' ' ) y += p; } void move( int p, int q ){ x += p; y += q; } int get_x(){ return x; } int get_y(){ return y; } void draw( char p ){ map[x][y] = p; gotoxy( x, y ); printf( "%c", p ); } private: int x; int y; }; struct walk { short walk_count; short x; short y; short back; }; struct target { short x; short y; }; vector<target> walk_queue; vector<walk> BFSArray; void AddArray( int x, int y, int wc , int back ) { if( tmp_map[y][x] == ' ' || tmp_map[y][x] == '.' ) { tmp_map[y][x] = '#'; walk tmp; tmp.x = x; tmp.y = y; tmp.walk_count = wc; tmp.back = back; BFSArray.push_back( tmp ); } } void FindPath( int sx, int sy, int x, int y ){ memcpy( tmp_map, map, sizeof(map) ); BFSArray.clear(); walk tmp; tmp.x = sx; tmp.y = sy; tmp.walk_count = 0; tmp.back = -1; BFSArray.push_back( tmp ); int i = 0; while( i < BFSArray.size() ){ if( BFSArray[i].x == x && BFSArray[i].y == y ){ walk_queue.clear(); target tmp2; while( BFSArray[i].walk_count != 0 ){ tmp2.x = BFSArray[i].x; tmp2.y = BFSArray[i].y; walk_queue.push_back( tmp2 ); i = BFSArray[i].back; } break; } AddArray( BFSArray[i].x+1, BFSArray[i].y, BFSArray[i].walk_count+1, i ); AddArray( BFSArray[i].x-1, BFSArray[i].y, BFSArray[i].walk_count+1, i ); AddArray( BFSArray[i].x, BFSArray[i].y+1, BFSArray[i].walk_count+1, i ); AddArray( BFSArray[i].x, BFSArray[i].y-1, BFSArray[i].walk_count+1, i ); /* AddArray( BFSArray[i].x+1, BFSArray[i].y+1, BFSArray[i].walk_count+1, i ); AddArray( BFSArray[i].x-1, BFSArray[i].y+1, BFSArray[i].walk_count+1, i ); AddArray( BFSArray[i].x+1, BFSArray[i].y+1, BFSArray[i].walk_count+1, i ); AddArray( BFSArray[i].x+1, BFSArray[i].y-1, BFSArray[i].walk_count+1, i ); AddArray( BFSArray[i].x+1, BFSArray[i].y-1, BFSArray[i].walk_count+1, i ); AddArray( BFSArray[i].x-1, BFSArray[i].y-1, BFSArray[i].walk_count+1, i ); AddArray( BFSArray[i].x-1, BFSArray[i].y+1, BFSArray[i].walk_count+1, i ); AddArray( BFSArray[i].x-1, BFSArray[i].y-1, BFSArray[i].walk_count+1, i ); */ i++; } BFSArray.clear(); } int main() { bool running = true; int x = 15; // hero x int y = 16; // hero y int old_x; int old_y; int ex = 1; int ey = 1; int pts = 0; cout<<"Instruction:\n1. Arrow Keys to move your hero\n2. Eat the dots produced by the Eater to gain poins\n3. Don't get caught by the Eater\n\n"; cout<<"H -> Hard\nN -> Normal\nE -> Easy\n\nInput : "; char diffi; int speedmod = 3; cin >> diffi; if( diffi == 'N' ){ speedmod = 2; }else if( diffi == 'H' ){ speedmod = 1; } system("cls"); ShowMap(); gotoxy( x, y ); cout << "H"; int frame = 0; FindPath( ex,ey,x,y ); while( running ){ gotoxy( x, y ); cout << " "; old_x = x; old_y = y; if ( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_UP ) ){ if( map[y-1][x] == '.' ){ y--; pts++; } else if( map[y-1][x] == ' ' ) y--; } if ( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_DOWN ) ){ if( map[y+1][x] == '.' ){ y++; pts++; } else if( map[y+1][x] == ' ' ) y++; } if ( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_LEFT ) ){ if( map[y][x-1] == '.' ){ x--; pts++; } else if( map[y][x-1] == ' ' ) x--; } if ( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_RIGHT ) ){ if( map[y][x+1] == '.' ){ x++; pts++; } else if( map[y][x+1] == ' ' ) x++; } if( old_x != x || old_y != y ){ FindPath( ex,ey,x,y ); } gotoxy( x,y ); cout << "H"; map[ey][ex] = '.'; gotoxy( ex, ey ); cout << "."; if( frame%speedmod == 0 && walk_queue.size() != 0 ){ ex = walk_queue.back().x; ey = walk_queue.back().y; walk_queue.pop_back(); } gotoxy( ex, ey ); cout << "E"; if( ex == x && ey == y ){ break; } gotoxy( 32, 18 ); gotoxy( 32, 1 ); cout << pts; Sleep( 100 ); frame++; } system("cls"); cout<<"You Lose and your score is : "<< pts<<endl ; cin.get(); cin.get(); cin.get(); cin.get(); cin.get(); cin.get(); cin.get(); cin.get(); return 0; }
how do I generate a randomly moving monster