Every user details written in file and can be access anytime. No data lose when program ended :)
#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<fstream> #include<windows.h> using namespace std; enum COLOR { black , blue , green , cyan , red , magenta , brown , normal , darkgrey , lightblue , lightgreen , lightcyan , lightred , lightmagenta , yellow , white }; ostream& operator<<( ostream &stm , const COLOR &c) { HANDLE out_handle = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); SetConsoleTextAttribute( out_handle , c ); return( stm ); } class Student {public: string name,cnic,nationality,gender; int age; public: Student (){} void input() { ofstream outfile; outfile.open("Student.txt",ios :: out); cout<<"Enter Name (End with Dot) \t= "; getline(cin,name,'.'); outfile<<name<<"\t"; cout<<"Enter Age \t= "; cin>>age; outfile<<age<<"\t"; cout<<"Enter Gender (End with Dot)\t="; getline(cin,gender,'.'); outfile<<gender<<"\t"; cout<<"Enter CNIC (End with Dot)\t="; getline(cin,cnic,'.'); outfile<<cnic<<"\t"; cout<<"Enter Nationality (End with Dot)\t= "; getline(cin,nationality,'.'); outfile<<nationality<<"\t"; outfile.close(); } void student_info() { string Reg_No,Reg_No1; int check,search_Num=0; cout<<"Enter Student Registration No="; cin>>Reg_No1; fstream infile; infile.open("Check.txt",ios::in); while(!infile.eof()) { infile>>Reg_No; infile>>name; infile>>age; infile>>gender; infile>>cnic; infile>>nationality; infile>>check; { if (Reg_No1==Reg_No) { system("cls"); cout<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<lightcyan<<"Name="<<name<<endl; cout<<lightgreen<<"Reg_No="<<Reg_No<<endl; cout<<"Age="<<age<<endl; cout<<"Gender="<<gender<<endl; cout<<"CNIC="<<cnic<<endl; cout<<"Nationality="<<nationality<<endl<<endl; cout<<endl; if (check==0) { cout<<lightcyan<<"Your Subject are......\n"<<endl; string course,teacher; ifstream file; file.open("Semester_1.txt",ios::in); if (!file) { cout << "Error opening file.\n"; return; } for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { file>>course; file>>teacher; cout<<course<<"\t By \t"; cout<<teacher<<endl; } file.close(); } else if (check==1) { cout<<"You are Passed in First Semester....\n"<<endl; cout<<lightcyan<<"Now Your Subject are......\n"<<endl; string course,teacher; ifstream file2; file2.open("Semester_2.txt",ios::in); if (!file2) { cout << "Error opening file.\n"; return; } for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { file2>>course; file2>>teacher; cout<<course<<"\t By \t"; cout<<teacher<<endl; } file2.close(); } else if (check==2) { cout<<"You are Passed in Second Semester....\n"<<endl; cout<<lightcyan<<"Now Your Subject are......\n"<<endl; string course,teacher; ifstream file3; file3.open("Semester_3.txt",ios::in); if (!file3) { cout << "Error opening file.\n"; return; } for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { file3>>course; file3>>teacher; cout<<course<<"\t By \t"; cout<<teacher<<endl; } file3.close(); } else if (check==3) { cout<<"You are Passed in Second Semester....\n"<<endl; cout<<lightcyan<<"Now Your Subject are......\n"<<endl; string course,teacher; ifstream file4; file4.open("Semester_4.txt",ios::in); if (!file4) { cout << "Error opening file.\n"; return; } for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { file4>>course; file4>>teacher; cout<<course<<"\t By \t"; cout<<teacher<<endl; } file4.close(); } cout<<lightgreen<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<endl<<endl; search_Num++; } } } if (search_Num==0) { system("cls"); cout<<"Please Enter Correct Registration Number......\n"<<endl; student_info(); } infile.close(); } void student_Grade() //for checking Student Grade { system("cls"); string itc,pf,dm,c1,e1; //subject variables string Reg_No,Reg_No1; int check,search_Num=0; int num; ifstream file; file.open("Number.txt",ios::in); file>>num; file.close(); cout<<"Enter Student Registration No="; cin>>Reg_No1; fstream infile; infile.open("Check.txt",ios::in); for (int i=0;i<num-1;i++) { infile>>Reg_No; infile>>name; infile>>age; infile>>gender; infile>>cnic; infile>>nationality; infile>>check; { if (Reg_No1==Reg_No) { if (check==2) { system("cls"); cout<<lightcyan<<"You are in 2nd Semester........\n"<<endl; cout<<"Enter Subject Grade Below....\n"<<endl; cout<<lightgreen<<"Major World Religion="; cin>>itc; /*if ((itc!="F")||(itc!="A")||(itc!="B")||(itc!="C")||(itc!="D")) { cout<<lightcyan<<"Please enter coorect grade...."<<endl; cout<<"Inttoduction To Computing="; cin>>itc; }*/ cout<<"Psycology="; cin>>pf; cout<<"Applied Equation="; cin>>dm; cout<<"Circuit Design="; cin>>c1; cout<<"Algorithm="; cin>>e1; //if student pass in all subject if ((itc=="F")||(pf=="F")||(dm=="F")||(c1=="F")||(e1=="F")) { cout<<"\n\t\tSorry...You are Fail in some courses......\n"<<endl; } else { system("cls"); cout<<"\t\t ****** Congratulation you are pass in all subject *******\n"<<endl; check++; cout<<lightred<<"Now Your Subject Are..........\n"<<endl; cout<<lightcyan; string course,teacher; ifstream file; file.open("Semester_4.txt",ios::in); if (!file) { cout << "Error opening file.\n"; return; } for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { file>>course; file>>teacher; cout<<course<<"\t By \t"; cout<<teacher<<endl; } file.close(); cout<<lightgreen<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<endl<<endl; } }//end check loop else if (check==1) { system("cls"); cout<<lightcyan<<"You are in 2nd Semester........\n"<<endl; cout<<"Enter Subject Grade Below....\n"<<endl; cout<<lightgreen<<"Digital Logic Design="; cin>>itc; /*if ((itc!="F")||(itc!="A")||(itc!="B")||(itc!="C")||(itc!="D")) { cout<<lightcyan<<"Please enter coorect grade...."<<endl; cout<<"Inttoduction To Computing="; cin>>itc; }*/ cout<<"Object Oriented Programming="; cin>>pf; cout<<"Linear Algebra="; cin>>dm; cout<<"Calculus-II="; cin>>c1; cout<<"English-II="; cin>>e1; //if student pass in all subject if ((itc=="F")||(pf=="F")||(dm=="F")||(c1=="F")||(e1=="F")) { cout<<"\n\t\tSorry...You are Fail in some courses......\n"<<endl; } else { system("cls"); cout<<"\t\t ****** Congratulation you are pass in all subject *******\n"<<endl; check++; cout<<lightred<<"Now Your Subject Are..........\n"<<endl; cout<<lightcyan; string course,teacher; ifstream file; file.open("Semester_3.txt",ios::in); if (!file) { cout << "Error opening file.\n"; return; } for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { file>>course; file>>teacher; cout<<course<<"\t By \t"; cout<<teacher<<endl; } file.close(); cout<<lightgreen<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<endl<<endl; } }//end check loop else if (check==0) { system("cls"); cout<<"Enter Subject Grade Below....\n"<<endl; cout<<"Inttoduction To Computing="; cin>>itc; /*if ((itc!="F")||(itc!="A")||(itc!="B")||(itc!="C")||(itc!="D")) { cout<<lightcyan<<"Please enter coorect grade...."<<endl; cout<<"Inttoduction To Computing="; cin>>itc; }*/ cout<<"Programming Fundamental="; cin>>pf; cout<<"Discreate Mathematics="; cin>>dm; cout<<"Calculus-I="; cin>>c1; cout<<"English-I="; cin>>e1; /*while ((e1=="F")||(e1=="A")||(e1=="B")||(e1=="C")||(e1=="D")) { cout<<"Please enter coorect grade...."<<endl; cout<<"English-I="; cin>>e1; }*/ //if student pass in all subject if ((itc=="F")||(pf=="F")||(dm=="F")||(c1=="F")||(e1=="F")) { cout<<"\n\t\tSorry...You are Fail in some courses......\n"<<endl; } else { system("cls"); cout<<"\t\t ****** Congratulation you are pass in all subject *******\n"<<endl; check++; cout<<lightred<<"Now Your Subject Are..........\n"<<endl; string course,teacher; ifstream file; file.open("Semester_2.txt",ios::in); if (!file) { cout << "Error opening file.\n"; return; } for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { file>>course; file>>teacher; cout<<course<<"\t By \t"; cout<<teacher<<endl; } file.close(); cout<<lightgreen<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<endl<<endl; } }//end check loop } //end Reg_No loop } ofstream datafile; datafile.open("Copy_check.txt",ios::app); datafile<<Reg_No<<"\t"; datafile<<name<<"\t"; datafile<<age<<"\t"; datafile<<gender<<"\t"; datafile<<cnic<<"\t"; datafile<<nationality<<" "; datafile<<check<<endl; datafile.close(); } //for doing check file blank fstream datafile2; datafile2.open("check.txt",ios::out); datafile2.close(); //for copy "Copy_check" file in Student file { ifstream infile2; infile2.open("Copy_check.txt",ios::in); for (int i=0;i<num-1;i++) { infile2>>Reg_No; infile2>>name; infile2>>age; infile2>>gender; infile2>>cnic; infile2>>nationality; infile2>>check; { ofstream datafile1; datafile1.open("check.txt",ios::app); datafile1<<Reg_No<<"\t"; datafile1<<name<<"\t"; datafile1<<age<<"\t"; datafile1<<gender<<"\t"; datafile1<<cnic<<"\t"; datafile1<<nationality<<" "; datafile1<<check<<endl; datafile1.close(); } } infile2.close(); } //for doing "Copy_check" file blank fstream datafile3; datafile3.open("Copy_check.txt",ios::out); datafile3.close(); } }; class Courses { Student s; public: void info() { string course,teacher; ifstream file; file.open("Semester_1.txt",ios::in); if (!file) { cout << "Error opening file.\n"; return; } for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { file>>course; file>>teacher; cout<<course<<"\t By \t"; cout<<teacher<<endl; } file.close(); } void copy_Student() { //for doing blank check file /*{ fstream datafile2; datafile2.open("check.txt",ios::out); datafile2.close(); }*/ int num; /*int num=0;*/ ifstream infile; infile.open("Student.txt",ios::in); for (int i=0;i<1;i++) { infile>>s.name; infile>>s.age; infile>>s.gender; infile>>s.cnic; infile>>s.nationality; /*infile>>num;*/ { ifstream file1; file1.open("Number.txt",ios::in); if (!file1) { cout << "Error opening file.\n"; return; } file1>>num; file1.close(); } int check=0; fstream datafile; datafile.open("check.txt",ios::app); datafile<<"13-Arid-1700"<<num<<"\t"; datafile<<s.name<<"\t"; datafile<<s.age<<"\t"; datafile<<s.gender<<"\t"; datafile<<s.cnic<<"\t"; datafile<<s.nationality<<" "; datafile<<check<<endl; datafile.close(); num++; ofstream outfile; outfile.open("Number.txt",ios::out); outfile<<num; outfile.close(); } infile.close(); } void semester_detail() { system("cls"); string Reg_No; int num,search_num=0; int check; ifstream infile; infile.open("Number.txt",ios::in); infile>>num; { ofstream datafile; datafile.open("Reg_num.txt",ios::out); datafile<<"13-Arid-1700"<<num-1; datafile.close(); } infile.close(); ifstream fin; string data; fin.open("Reg_num.txt",ios::in); fin>>data; fin.close(); ifstream infile1; infile1.open("Check.txt",ios::in); for (int i=0;i<num-1;i++) { infile1>>Reg_No; infile1>>s.name; infile1>>s.age; infile1>>s.gender; infile1>>s.cnic; infile1>>s.nationality; infile1>>check; if (search_num==0) { if (data==Reg_No) { cout<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<lightcyan<<"Hello "<<s.name<<" Welcome to our University\n"<<endl; cout<<red<<"Your General info is.......\n"<<endl; cout<<lightgreen<<"Reg_No="<<Reg_No<<endl; cout<<"Age="<<s.age<<endl; cout<<"Gender="<<s.gender<<endl; cout<<"CNIC="<<s.cnic<<endl; cout<<"Nationality="<<s.nationality<<endl<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<lightcyan<<"Your Subject are......\n"<<endl; string course,teacher; ifstream file; file.open("Semester_1.txt",ios::in); if (!file) { cout << "Error opening file.\n"; return; } for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { file>>course; file>>teacher; cout<<course<<"\t By \t"; cout<<teacher<<endl; } file.close(); cout<<lightgreen<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t************************************************"<<endl; cout<<endl<<endl; search_num++; } } } infile1.close(); } }; void option() { char choice2; //for create Personl account types cout<<"\n\n\n"; cout<<lightgreen<<"\x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 "; cout<<"\x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \n"; cout<<"\x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 "; cout<<"\x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \n"; cout<<"\x5\x5 \t\t \t \x5\x5\n"; cout<<"\x5\x5"; cout<<yellow<<" To \t To \t To \t "; cout<<lightgreen<<"\x5\x5\n\x5\x5"; cout<<yellow<<" Register check \t Enter \t "; cout<<lightgreen<<"\x5\x5\n\x5\x5"; cout<<yellow<<" Students Students\tStudents \t "; cout<<lightgreen<<"\x5\x5\n\x5\x5"; cout<<yellow<<" \t \t Info \t Grade \t "; cout<<lightgreen<<"\x5\x5\n\x5\x5 \t\t \t \x5\x5\n"; cout<<"\x5\x5 \x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5 \t \x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5 \t"; cout<<"\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5 \t \x5\x5\n"; cout<<"\x5\x5 | "; cout<<lightred<<"Press R "; cout<<lightgreen<<"|\t | "; cout<<lightred<<"Press I "; cout<<lightgreen<<"|\t| "; cout<<lightred<<"Press G "; cout<<lightgreen<<"| \x5\x5\n"; cout<<lightgreen<<"\x5\x5 \x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5 \t \x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5 \t"; cout<<"\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5\x5 \t \x5\x5\n"; cout<<"\x5\x5 \t\t \t \x5\x5\n"; cout<<lightgreen<<"\x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 "; cout<<"\x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \n"; cout<<"\x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 "; cout<<"\x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \x5 \n"; cout<<endl; cout<<lightgreen<<"\t\tPress Any Key=\t"; cin>>choice2; switch(choice2) { case 'R': case 'r': { system("cls"); Student s; s.input(); Courses c; c.copy_Student(); c.semester_detail(); char choice; cout<<"Press M to Main Menu or Press Any key to terminate program="; cin>>choice; if ((choice=='M')||(choice=='m')) { system("cls"); option(); } else { cout<<"\t\t********** Thanks for visiting our University ***********\n"<<endl; } } break; case 'I': case 'i': { Student s; system("cls"); s.student_info(); char choice; cout<<"Press M to Main Menu or Press Any key to terminate program="; cin>>choice; if ((choice=='M')||(choice=='m')) { system("cls"); option(); } else { cout<<"\t\t********** Thanks for visiting our University ***********\n"<<endl; } } break; case 'G': case 'g': { Student s; s.student_Grade(); char choice; cout<<"Press M to Main Menu or Press Any key to terminate program="; cin>>choice; if ((choice=='M')||(choice=='m')) { system("cls"); option(); } else { cout<<"\t\t********** Thanks for visiting our University ***********\n"<<endl; } } break; default: system("cls"); cout<<lightgreen<<"Please enter a valid key"<<endl; option(); break; } } void welcome() { cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t"; Sleep(100);cout<<red<<"*";Sleep(100);cout<<"*"; Sleep(100);cout<<"*";Sleep(100);cout<<"*";Sleep(100);cout<<" "; Sleep(100);cout<<lightgreen<<"W";Sleep(100);cout<<"E"; Sleep(100);cout<<"L";Sleep(100);cout<<"L"; Sleep(100);cout<<"C";Sleep(100);cout<<"O"; Sleep(100);cout<<"M";Sleep(100);cout<<"E"; Sleep(100);cout<<" ";Sleep(100);cout<<cyan<<"T"; Sleep(100);cout<<"O";Sleep(100);cout<<" ";Sleep(100);cout<<yellow<<"A"; Sleep(100);cout<<"R";Sleep(100);cout<<"I"; Sleep(100);cout<<"D";Sleep(100);cout<<lightgreen<<" "; Sleep(100);cout<<"U";Sleep(100);cout<<"N"; Sleep(100);cout<<"I";Sleep(100);cout<<"V";Sleep(100);cout<<lightcyan<<"E"; Sleep(100);cout<<"R";Sleep(100);cout<<lightgreen<<"S";Sleep(100);cout<<"I"; Sleep(100);cout<<red<<"T";Sleep(100);cout<<"Y"; Sleep(100);cout<<" *";Sleep(100);cout<<"*";Sleep(100);cout<<"*";Sleep(100);cout<<"*"; Sleep(100);cout<<" ";Sleep(100);cout<<" ";Sleep(100);cout<<" "; Sleep(100);cout<<" ";Sleep(100);cout<<" ";Sleep(100);cout<<" "; Sleep(100);cout<<" ";Sleep(100);cout<<" ";Sleep(100);cout<<lightcyan<<" "; system("cls"); } void main() { welcome(); option(); system("pause"); }
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